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11-17-14 Minutes
Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting November 17, 2014

Present:  Chairperson Barbara Swartz, Sam Fiori, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Marcia Lambert, Lisa Lyons, Bev Moustakis, Barbara Sirois, Sandra Power, Judith Wolfe       Absent:  Ellen Talkowsky  
Visitor: Marc Berube
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.

1.  Approval of the Minutes:  The Minutes of  the meeting held August 26, 2014 were approved as written.

2.  Reminders, Announcements, housekeeping:
        The Committee’s participation in the light pole ribbon wrapping project was reviewed.  All went well and the results were very pleasing.  Wreaths were also hung following the pole wrapping.  
        A motion to cancel the December meeting was proposed together with the approval of a January meeting date. The Motion passed.  
        Committee member attendance at the recent City required meeting on conflict of interest and open meeting law was noted.

3.  Mill Street Traffic Island: The committee agreed to accepting the Mill St. traffic island as a project in 2015.  Further planning and design will be done over the winter.

4.  Lady of Salem 2014:   The “ladies” made an appearance at the Arts Festival, Essex Street Fair, the Antique Boat Show, and Trails and Sails and the Maritime Festival.  The “Ladies” were noted in the Salem Gazette and were seen on SATV with Mary Ellen, Sam and Leo Joidin. They were taken down during the last week of October and are being stored at the YMCA. No new sponsors for new ladies will be sought for 2015.

5.  Traffic Island Program 2014 wrap up:   The program consists 45 islands, all of varying levels of sponsorship. Sandi will prepare a list of all the islands from the 2014 program, their level of sponsorship, and where appropriate, who was caring for them and how often. The active duty traffic island will be sponsored next season and not be a project of the BCOM. There were many new volunteers who were recruited at number of events who have joined the “team”.

6.  New Business:  A fresh look is to be given each event, program and project that BCOM is involved in over the winter.  It is suggested that the committee brainstorm to develop two new projects or events to be involved in for 2015.

A Motion to adjourn was proposed and allowed.  The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  January 27, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.